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What is Lean Software Development (LSD)?




Lean software development is a concept that was originally inspired by the Toyota Production System. This system is based on the philosophy of making products in the simplest and most efficient way possible.


What is Lean Software Development (LSD)?


Lean Software Development is a concept that was originally inspired by the Toyota Production System. This system is based on the philosophy of making products in the simplest and most efficient way possible. The term Lean Software Development was coined by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck in their book “Lean Software Development; An Agile Toolkit.”


These are the principles of lean software development:

  • Eliminate waste always and everywhere.
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  • Break complex problems into smaller pieces, then solve them quickly so you can move on to new challenges without losing momentum or reducing quality standards too much (e.g., writing code).
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  • Use test-driven development (TDD) as an approach to developing software with high test coverage—you write your tests first before writing any code at all! Tests should run automatically after each commit so there’s no need for manual testing because every change gets checked right away without having to wait until someone manually launches those tests again later down the line when they want it done fast rather than slowly over time due to other tasks getting stalled out while waiting around – this happens quite often when using traditional approaches like Java EE where everything must be built up one step at a time before moving onto another task…
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Lean software development is a concept that was originally inspired by the Toyota Production System. This system is based on the philosophy of making products in the simplest and most efficient way possible.


The term Lean Software Development was coined by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck in their book “Lean Software Development; An Agile Toolkit.”


Lean development is a concept that was originally inspired by the Toyota Production System. This system is based on the philosophy of making products in the simplest and most efficient way possible.


History of Lean Software Development?


Lean Software Development (LSD) is a software development methodology that focuses on delivering high-quality software quickly. It was first introduced in the late 1990s by Mary and Tom Poppendieck, authors of “Lean Software Development; An Agile Toolkit”.


Lean Software Development has been adopted by many organizations as a way to increase efficiency and accelerate their product delivery cycles.


The term Lean Software Development was coined by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck in their book “Lean Software Development; An Agile Toolkit.”


The term Lean Software Development was coined by Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck in their book “Lean Software Development; An Agile Toolkit.” It was first used in reference to Toyota’s production system, but it has since been applied to the software development industry.


The book is a practical guide for agile teams that want themselves, their organization and their projects to succeed using lean thinking principles like:

  • Workflow management — focusing on what actually matters instead of focusing on features or bugs
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  • Reusing code; especially when new requirements come up later on
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Principles of Lean Software Development


Lean Software Development is a set of principles that aim to eliminate waste in software development. The principles are:

  • Eliminate waste always and everywhere.
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  • Amplify learning.
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  • Decide as late as possible, and the decision should be based on facts, not guesses or hunches.
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  • Deliver as fast as possible without sacrificing quality or safety; always strive for continuous improvement in all areas of your organization’s work processes—including communication with customers/clients; design decisions made during the implementation phase of the project (i.e., code); etc).
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These are the principles of lean software development:

  • Eliminate waste.
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  • Amplify learning.
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  • Decide as late as possible: the earlier you decide, the more time you have to make good decisions and do so with clarity and confidence.
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  • Deliver as fast as possible: a Lean team doesn’t wait for perfect information before making a decision; it acts on incomplete information or knowledge of what needs to be done next (or even what has already been done) so that valuable progress can be made every day toward meeting your goals for maximum value creation within given constraints such as budget, time/effort/resources, etc.
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Eliminate waste always and everywhere.


Lean Software Development (LSD) is a software development methodology that focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency. Waste is anything that doesn’t directly contribute to value, so it includes unnecessary work, activities, and steps. It also includes unneeded documentation or processes that aren’t actually necessary for the project at hand.


Amplify learning.


The second way that LSD can help you learn is by amplifying the learning process.

  • Learning from the past: Learning is a never-ending process, and it’s important to remember that your mistakes are not only a part of your journey but also part of history. By looking back at what you’ve already learned, you can use this knowledge as a stepping stone toward greater success in future endeavors.
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  • Learning from others’ mistakes: The more people who work together on projects, the more opportunities there will be for collaboration and feedback (and thus growth). When looking around at other teams’ experiments with processes or tools, take note of what works well—and then use those ideas as inspiration for developing new ones yourself!
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Decide as late as possible.


One of the most important principles for any software development process is “Decide early and decide often”. This means that you should make decisions about what to build when to build it, and how much effort can be spent on each feature or bug fix at any given time. A simple example of this would be deciding whether it’s worth spending time creating an entire feature when another one could solve your problem right now (assuming there aren’t too many other similar ones).


Deliver as fast as possible.


If you can deliver working software frequently, customers will know that your product is stable and reliable. They’ll be able to plan their work with confidence, which in turn helps you prioritize what needs to get done next. And if they are happy with the results of their work and feel like they’re getting value from the product (or at least not getting scammed), they’ll keep using it! This is why we say don’t make small changes—make them big ones! Don’t just add one feature; add five features instead!


Empower the team.


Empowerment is not the same as a delegation. It’s a mindset, not just a skill or tool. In order to empower your team, you have to first understand what it means for them—what’s in their best interest and how they see themselves. Then you need to give them the tools that will help them succeed at doing those things for themselves (and for your business).


For example: If you want an employee who has been with your company for 10 years but has never written an automated test suite before—you may give him/her access to some open-source software so he/she can learn how; but once he/she does become comfortable with writing tests and setting up continuous integration environments (CI), then it makes sense for him/her eventually take over this responsibility by himself/herself without requiring further supervision from anyone else within the organization.


Build integrity.


Building integrity means building quality into the product from the beginning, and to avoid shortcuts that may compromise quality later. Integrity is the most important principle of lean software development.


See the whole.


Lean software development is about seeing the big picture, not just focusing on what you have in front of you. It’s about understanding how all parts of your system fit together and how they affect each other, rather than simply looking at each individual piece individually and making sure it works well enough.


Be aware of the whole system.


This means being aware of all aspects of an organization or project—from management to development teams; from marketing communications through operations management—and understanding their impact on each other’s workflows and goals, as well as their overall effectiveness at achieving those goals (or not).




And that is how lean software development came to be. It is a concept that can help your organization become more efficient and effective when it comes to creating software. The principles of lean software development are easy to understand and follow, but they require a lot of practice in order for you to do so effectively.


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