What is a domain name?
nnnnDomain name is an address.
nnnnLike you have an address where you live similarly domain is the website’s address. Your home address gives the location of your home. Similarly, a domain name tells the location of a website or anything hosted over the internet.
nnnnWhat is the difference between IP address and domain name?
nnnnWhat is an IP address?
nnnnAn IP address is the numeric identification of a server or host. A hosting server is a place where you host or keep your files for public or limited access.
nnnnIt is just like your computer. You computer has a location, a proper id that is your computer id and internet ip. But being a computer your files are not accessible through out the internet.
nnnnBut, the purpose of a server is to serve the access to the public as instructed.
nnnnSo consider it like a city or an island.
nnnnNow in a city or on an island there can be many homes, restaurants, offices or different types of locations. So the domain name exactly points to one particular location.
nnnnAs we discussed about, your house has a particular address. That address is the domain name.
nnnnAnd your home is in a particular city. That city is the server and its name or location is the ip address.
nnnnI hope this simple analogy might have made it easy to understand.
nnnnHow to use a domain name?
nnnnYou will have to book a domain name from a domain name registrar
nnnnOnce you purchase the domain name you will have to then point it to the server where your files or website is hosted.