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What is a blog post guide?




Blog post guides are an essential part of any content promotion campaign. Over the past few years, they have become an increasingly popular way to promote your blog posts and make sure that you’re not missing out on any opportunities to grow your audience.


We’re going to cover everything you need to know about creating a blog post guide in this article!


Blog post guides are an effective way to ensure that you’re covering all the bases when promoting a blog post.


Blog post guides are an effective way to ensure that you’re covering all the bases when promoting a blog post. They can be created with Google Docs or WordPress, and they come in handy when you want to quickly add information about the topic of your post.


You might use them as follows:


● To include screenshots and/or links to external resources related to your subject matter


● To include a table of contents with each section of content (e.g., intro, body paragraph 1, etc.)


You can create a blog post guide with Google Docs or WordPress.


You can create a blog post guide with Google Docs or WordPress.


Google Docs is free, easy to use and you don’t need any technical skills. You simply sign up for an account, then create a new document in your Google Drive (that’s the cloud storage where all your documents are stored). Once it’s done uploading your content and ready for editing, go ahead and start adding text boxes where you want people to find information about their goals/objectives/intentions, etc.


WordPress is more complicated because it requires coding skills which many people don’t have yet so that would make this option less preferred by beginners who want something simple but effective when it comes to doing things like writing blog posts without having any special knowledge required beforehand.”


The primary focus of a blog post guide is to encourage others to share your content.


A blog post guide is a great way to encourage others to share your content. It’s also an easy way to increase the reach of your content and make sure it gets more eyes on it.


Blog post guides can be used in many different ways:


● You can include them on social media posts, like Instagram Stories or Facebook Live videos


● You can use them as part of an email newsletter subscription campaign


● They can also be included as part of a template for emails that go out from your company


A blog post guide should include the following sections…


The following sections should be included in your blog post guide:


● Introduction – A short introduction to the topic of the post and why it’s important.


● Summary – A recap of what you’ll learn from this article and how you can use it.


● Key Takeaways – The main points that stand out after reading the post, so they’re easy to remember when it’s time to reference later.


● Links To Related Content – If there’s more information about this subject available online, link them here (like an article or social media feed). This will help visitors find other related content without having to search around on their own!


A blog post guide is essential for ensuring that your promotion efforts are not missed!


A blog post guide is essential for ensuring that your promotion efforts are not missed!


A blog post guide is a list of all the different ways in which you want people to share your content. It should include:


● The blog post itself, including any images or video attachments that you want to be included in the promotion campaign. This can be done either manually by creating a document and pasting them into it, or automatically by uploading your files directly from Google Drive or Dropbox into WordPress posts using drag-and-drop functionality (this method works best with large files).


You will also need at least one image per item on this list so as not to confuse anyone who might see it later on when looking over what was originally published here on ACDCW’s website – remember they’re just trying their best!


● An infographic that highlights key points from each article being promoted; this type of graphic has been proven effective at increasing clicks through social media channels such as Facebook where users tend to spend more time scrolling down pages than reading text alone.”




A blog post guide is an essential tool for promoting your blog posts. It ensures that you’re covering all the bases when promoting your content, which means that you’ll be more likely to get more shares and clicks from people who are interested in sharing it on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. If you follow these steps when creating one, then there’s no reason why others won’t share it as well!


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