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How to Make Search Your Site’s Greatest Asset




Search is one of the most powerful features of any website. It’s also one of the most overlooked, which is why it’s important to consider how you can use this tool to make your site more user-friendly and easier to navigate.


Today’s websites are complex and provide a breadth of information on a wide range of topics. This means that the average user is going to be seeking out information or products on your site in different ways.


You may have a site that features thousands of unique product offerings and you need a way for your customers to find what they need quickly and easily. Or, maybe you run a blog that offers dozens of different categories of content for users to peruse and you want them to be able to find what they’re looking for more efficiently.


Search is one of the most important tools on your site because it allows users to find exactly what they want when they want it. And as more people are using search engines as their primary means of finding information online, this makes the search even more important than ever before!


Today’s websites are complex and provide a breadth of information on a wide range of topics. This means that the average user is going to be seeking out information or products on your site in different ways. You may have a site that features thousands of unique product offerings and you need a way for your customers to find what they need quickly and easily (or perhaps even better: not at all).


Or maybe you run a blog that offers dozens of different categories of content for users to peruse and you want them to be able to find what they’re looking for more efficiently (and maybe even better: not at all).


Either way, if your site is full of multiple search options and categories it might not be quite as simple to find the information that users want. That’s why it’s important to take advantage of some of the best search features out there.


With the right search functionality in place, you can make sure that your site is providing users with easy access to what they need on every page and at every step of their journey.


Search is the most important part of your site. If you have great search functionality in place, it may not be quite as simple to find the information that users want—but if you can provide them with multiple results at once and make those results easy to access and understand, then they’ll keep coming back again and again.


So how do you make sure your site has this powerful feature? Here are some things to consider:

  • Make sure that the search works well on every page of your site (and not just on specific pages). If a user types in “summer dresses” but doesn’t get any results when they click through from another section (like Clothing), then they’ll probably give up before even trying out anything else on your website. That’s why it’s important for all sections of any given content type or product category within an eCommerce store like ours should have their own dedicated page(s) where users can easily find what they’re looking for—with no hunting around required!
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Using Search as A Navigation Tool


Search is a great way to help users navigate your site, but it’s not always easy or intuitive. Users should be able to search content in a way that is easy and intuitive, so you can use search as a navigation tool for all your pages, not just the home page.

  • Make Search Available on Every Page: If users can’t find something useful by searching for it on their own, then they’ll go somewhere else—and if that’s the first place they visit when looking for what you offer (or if it’s one of many places), then that’s not where anyone wants them going! It’s important that users are able to find what they need without having to think too hard about how or why they’re doing so…
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and this is especially true when it comes to businesses that rely on both customers and conversions. Your website should make it easy for people to find what they want, whether that’s a piece of content or an actionable task like buying something or submitting a form.




Search is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal as a website owner. It’s easy to overlook how effective it can be, but when used correctly, the search can change the way people interact with your site forever. If you have any questions about implementing search on your site then reach out to us today!


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