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Earn Money With Blogs


If you are sitting at home and looking to earn some money there are many kinds of different work available. There are many online avenues available where you can earn money with blogs by spending a little time.


But if you have some decent writing skills, blogging can be a good option. It can be source for you to earn good money with Blogs. 


So what exactly a blog is? A Blog is a shortened form of weblog. It is usually a discussion or informational website published on the internet. Here the posts are typically displayed in the reverse chronological order.


Earlier, blogs were done by individuals or a small group for spreading information. But with the growing popularity, you can find blogs related to any possible topic on the internet. 


Earlier, blogging was taken as just a hobby people had along with their full-time jobs. But now a lot of things have changed where blogging has become a full time earning profession for many.


If you have some interest in writing, then blogging can be a safe and secure means to start some earning sitting at the comfort of your home and Earn Money With Blogs.  


There are many free and paid blogging platforms available online that you choose from. Some of these well-known platforms are:











and so on. 


WordPress and Blogger are the most used blogging platforms and as a beginner, you can as well try these. 


Most of these platforms are easy and self-explanatory on how you can easily start your blogs on these. You can also have a domain that is an add-on to these platforms. You can purchase a domain for yourself and point it to your blog.


This will give your blog the much-needed identity from the very start. If you are completely new to blogging, you can search for some step by step tutorial to start a blog. On these platforms and get it running in a matter of minutes.


Get yourself fairly acquainted with these platforms and tools they provide for the blogs. Learn how to properly format, add or change content or links and even add images, etc. It will make your blog look good and stand out. 


How can you Earn money with Blogs?


There are many proven ways by which you can earn money with blogging. It is important to know that there are different levels of earning in blogging too.


You always start small and then grow according to the time and effort you put into the work. Apart from your personal motivation, networking skills, and goals, Earning Money With Blogs will also depend on factors like 

  • The niche you are writing in
  • nnnn
  • Time dedicated to learning and implementing
  • nnnn
  • Traffic coming to your blog
  • nnnn
  • Digital marketing techniques you use.
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Various income streams to earn money with blogs:


There are various ways that you can monetize your blog. Depending on the kind of blog, you can pick the method that is convenient and gives a good payout. 


Ads network: Ads networks are the best income source for blogging beginners. There are many kinds of ads network available but the most popular ones are

  1. Google Adsense
  2. nnnn
  4. nnnn
  5. Ezoic
  6. n

These ad networks require the approval of your blog before you can get their ads to display on your blog. They have certain criteria for approval. Once the blog is approved, the ads start displaying automatically. These ads depend on the topic of your blog and also the user experience. A good thing about these networks is that they give a recurring income which is great for new blogs. You can also get ads from various other ad networks like PropellerAdsPopAdsand Revenue Hits. Some of these do not follow stringent approval policies. 


Earn money through Affiliate marketing


If you wish to earn more than just the contextual ads, you should switch to affiliate marketing. With just a single click on an affiliate ad, you can earn more than a single click on an ad. This has become one of the most profitable ways of earning online and is much used by bloggers these days.


Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing wherein you refer someone for an online product or service. When that person buys that product or service, you get some set commission.


Affiliate marketing is used by all big companies to drive sales through their affiliate programs.


Some of the popular affiliate marketplaces that you can join are


A good thing about these affiliate programs is that you can use this on any kind of blogging platform. Just share your unique affiliate link for the products. When someone clicks on the product to make a purchase, you can get the commission from the sale amount.


Earn through Native Advertising


This type of advertising matches the form and function of the blogging platform. These may appear as a video, article, or editorial depending upon your blog.


Native advertising does not look like an ad as it blends with the content of the blog. Just like an article written about a topic and integrated the product in the article. It looks like all other articles on your blog.


You can also display these ads as Related Articles so that these ads are disguised as related content .


Native advertising is fast becoming the most preferred ad program for bloggers to earn money. It is best suited to news or job-based blogs and helps them to earn a good amount. 


Some of the most well known native advertising platforms are:


As a publisher, you allow these ads to be displayed with your main content or the article. Most of the ads displayed are paid on the basis of CPM (cost per thousand) where the advertises pay as a certain amount when there are 1000 impressions of their ad. Some companies also pay on the basis of CPC which is the cost per click.


Direct Advertising: Even though AdSense is the best ad platform for bloggers. But the payout is done only when there are a sufficient number of clicks on the displayed ads. Another way to earn money from advertisements is to go for direct ads. If you have a good amount of traffic, you can contact some companies that may need to display ads on your blogs. You may also create a page on your blog so that any company wanting to display their ads can contact you. 


There are many different plugins available by which you can manage these kinds of ads. 


Reviews: Paid reviews are another way to earn from your blog. Many companies are now working with bloggers to get their products and services reviewed. You can get the word out on their blogs. This is done in different ways like giveaways, sponsored paid reviews, or direct ads display.


Many advertisers prefer paid reviews as they stay online for a long time. It helps the blogger also to earn money with blogging. Advertisers are mostly looking for niche blogs for their paid reviews. These reviews help to give the much-needed exposure to the product or service. It thus driving the online traffic to them.


To find opportunities for paid reviews you can look at these websites:


Brand Collaborations: This method is mostly for the blogs when you have a large user base. You can help brands to reach their target audience through your blogs. This is often done by different brand collaborations, or running webinars. They are also making some videos about the products or even some paid Ads.


Campaigning for brands has become one of the best-earning sources for bloggers these days.


Sell your services: You can also use your blog to sell various services based on your skillset. If you have good skills like logo design, SEO, or even content writing, you can market these through your blog. 


Give your users more information about what you can do and make these services to look prominent on your blog. Add an easy way for people to contact you for these services. 


Sell your E-books: Another great source of income from the blog is by selling your ebooks. May tops bloggers follow this business model for some extra income.


You have a find out a topic of general interest, compile an ebook, and put it for sale on Amazon or your blog.


Once you start writing these e-books and selling a few of them online, this will be a great source of passive income . List these e-books on your blog and also on some popular websites for ebooks like, and, etc.


Sell digital products: if you do not want to advertise other people’s products on your blog, you can also earn from selling digital products.


You can sell digital products like

  • online courses
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  • images, videos or music 
  • nnnn
  • Apps, themes, and plugins
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 You can also create some online courses by way of audio or video. You can sell it on your blog by way or memberships or per course fee. People are also looking to buy images, videos, or music pieces that they can use in their work. You can as well sell these on your blog. With the growing demand for websites, you can also sell some themes, plugins, or apps that online users can purchase.


For any user to buy a product from your blog, your content should be relevant enough for purchase. Many bloggers fail for a simple reason that their products are according to the needs of the users. So it is better to listen to what your readers need and create a product for their needs.


Apart from these above, there is another form of blogging that is becoming much popular these days. In this form, the bloggers talk about their day to day life. Some of them make videos about what they do daily. These kinds of bloggers are called video bloggers or just vloggers. 


You can use your blog or youtube like video platform or even a mix of both. 


Some of the popular topic for this kind of blogging is

  • Fashion
  • nnnn
  • Lifestyle
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  • Travel
  • nnnn
  • Motivation
  • nnnn
  • Entertainment
  • n

You can entertain your users and make them form a community around your created content. It will give a good chance to make a lot of money from blogging.


It is for you to decide to go for just blogging or vlogging or both. Creating video content will need more time and equipment. You will need different cameras, mic, editing software and thus it can cost you a lot of money to start. Compared to this creating textual content will need much less time and money. 


So gone are the days of just using AdSense for the earning from your blog. You can use any or all of these techniques that suit your blog. You can easily earn money with blogs for a great future.


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