nnnnWhen it comes to a WordPress website, the database is where all the magic happens. It’s where you store your content and organize it into pages. And if you don’t keep up with your site’s database, all those hard work can fall apart at the seams. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ways to make sure your WordPress database stays healthy and optimized for years to come!
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- Start with a backup. n
Make sure you have a backup of your database before making any changes to it. The easiest way to do this is through a WordPress plugin, like WP-DBManager or BackupBuddy, but if you don’t have access to these tools then there are other ways:
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- Log into your site via SFTP/FTP and make sure that all files in the root directory (e.g., /home/username/.htaccess) are backed up as well as the database itself (e.g., wp-content/databases). nnnn
- Make sure that all plugins and themes folders are also backed up along with their respective files (for example: public_html/wp-admin/config/, public_html/wp-admin(theme)/themes/(theme name).php). n
Once you have your backup file, be sure to upload it to a safe place that is not on your server.
nnnnThe first thing you should do is delete the content you don’t need. This means:
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- Old posts, pages, and comments nnnn
- Unused media files nnnn
- Unused menus (themes) nnnn
- Unused widgets (themes) nnnn
- Deleted terms (your site’s meta box data) n
If you are using a theme framework to build your website, be sure to delete all its child themes that aren’t being used anymore. You can also remove unused plugins from your WordPress core files; this may be necessary if they’re causing an issue with your site performance or functionality. Finally, there’s no reason why you should keep any old data created by plugins on top of deleting them altogether—it will save time in future projects when making changes!
nnnnThe most important thing to remember when cleaning up your WordPress site is that it’s okay if you don’t have time to do the entire thing right now. You can set aside a few hours every week or so and gradually work through the list, making sure everything is in order as you go along.
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- Make sure you disable all plugins before removing them. nnnn
- Remove themes before removing them. nnnn
- Optimize your database in PHPMYADMIN: nnnn
- To optimize a table, use the “check” command followed by the name of the table. For example Check_MyTable(MyTable). The server will check whether or not it has been optimized for this particular query type and return an error if so (e.g., there are too few rows in this table). If no errors are found, then simply press Enter; otherwise run through each option again until they all pass successfully.” n
Once you’re done, you can safely remove the plugins and themes.
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- Use phpmysql to optimize your tables. nnnn
- Optimize your tables by running the optimize table command. nnnn
- Use a database cleanup plugin. n
You can use a database cleanup plugin to remove unneeded data and optimize your tables. This helps you save space and also makes it easier to manage your database.
nnnnRun this tool on your database every few months, or more often if you have a lot of posts and pages. The WP-Optimize WordPress plugin is a great way to run this optimization tool on your own website, but there are plenty of other options available too.
nnnnIf you’re looking for something simple and effective, try the [WP Optimize]( It’s easy to use, just install the plugin from within the WordPress dashboard (Help > Plugins) and then click “Optimize.” You can also use their premium version if you want more control over what gets removed from your database as well as how much space it takes up in memory when running during optimization mode.
nnnnThere are a few different ways to optimize your database, but the most common method is by using the WP-Optimize plugin. It’s quick and easy to set up and will help you remove unnecessary data from your site in order to keep it running smoothly.
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- Use a database cleanup plugin. There are many plugins that can help you clean up your database, and you can use phpMyAdmin for this too. Make sure you back up your database before starting any work on it, as there may be some parts of the code that need to be changed or deleted. You might also want to remove old content from the database if it’s slowing down your website too much and keep in mind not everyone needs all of their plugins and themes installed when they first install WordPress (or any other type of website). Finally, check in every six months to see if it needs cleaning again! n
If you’re a beginner, don’t worry. You can learn how to clean up your database and keep it running smoothly in the future. Just make sure that you back it up first!
nnnnyou can use these six ways to clean up your WordPress database
nnnnYou can use these six ways to clean up your WordPress database:
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- Get rid of old posts. If you have old posts that are no longer relevant, delete them. You may want to archive some of the older content if it’s still relevant or useful to you. This will help keep your database smaller and more manageable. It’s also important not to remove content from the database until after you have done everything else on this list because removing content without having done all other optimization steps could result in losing valuable information and making it harder for users who need access to specific information (such as authors) later down the road when they need it most! n
nnnnThe bottom line is that while you can’t always control what the web is doing, you can control what happens under your own roof. By using these six best practices, you can optimize your WordPress database and keep it running smoothly.