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7 Easy Tips To Design a High-Performing Website




Did you know that the design of your website can affect how well your business does? A good website design is essential for boosting online conversions and increasing revenue. The best way to improve your website design is to start with some simple tweaks and then keep upping the ante until you get the results you want. Here are seven easy tips for improving your website’s performance:


Simple Navigation Structure

  • Navigation should be clear and easy to use
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  • It should be consistent throughout the site
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  • Simple, intuitive navigation structures are best for your visitors. Here are some examples:  * A left-hand column with one or two main links (like Home, About Us) and then a set of smaller links at the bottom of each page that direct users toward additional information (like contact information). This is called a “hamburger” menu because it looks like a hamburger icon when you hover over it.  * A drop-down menu that appears when you click on any element on your website; this works well when there are many links within an article or post because they can be placed right below each section’s headline so readers can easily find what they’re looking for without having any prior knowledge about where these different topics might lead them!
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* A top navigation bar that contains one or two main links (like Home, About Us) and then a set of smaller links at the bottom of each page that direct users toward additional information (like contact information). This is called a “hamburger” menu because it looks like a hamburger icon when you hover over it.


User Experience (UX)


User experience (UX) is the overall experience a user has with your website. It’s more than just a website design, it’s the user’s perception of your brand, product, or service.


User experience (UX) is the sum of all interactions between a user and your website. It includes:

  • How easy it was for them to find what they were looking for on their first visit;
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  • How quickly they were able to complete their task;
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  • Any errors or omissions that occurred during navigation;
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  • How much effort they had to put into finding answers because there weren’t any obvious links in place;
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How easy it was for them to find what they were looking for on their first visit; How quickly they were able to complete their task; Any errors or omissions that occurred during navigation; How much effort they had to put into finding answers because there weren’t any obvious links in place; Their overall impression of your brand, product or service.


Responsive Design


Responsive design means that your website is designed to adapt to different screen sizes. In other words, it’s flexible and should work great on any device.


Responsive websites are more than just a layout change; they’re important because they help you reach more people by optimizing your site for those who use mobile devices or tablets. And this can be a great thing for SEO! The best part? You don’t have to spend money on an expensive mobile-friendly website platform—you can do it yourself!


Here are some of the benefits of responsive design:

  • Increases conversions by making sure users see what they need in one place without having to scroll around multiple pages or click outside of their comfort zone (such as clicking on links).
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  • Allows search engines like Google Analytics tracking pixel so you can see where traffic comes from and how long people stay on your site after they arrive there (and whether they convert into customers).
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Increases page views by making sure that each page is optimized for the most important keywords you want to rank for (so when people search for those terms, your site will show up). Allows you to create one website that works on any screen size.


Load Time Optimization

  • Use a content delivery network. A CDN is a server that delivers your website’s content to users, ensuring that it loads quickly and reliably across all devices. If you want to improve the load time of your site, then it’s important for you to use a CDN with caching plugins like W3 Total Cache or CloudFlare, which can help decrease page loads by up to 50%.
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  • Minify and compress images: Minification eliminates unnecessary code from images so they load faster on mobile devices and reduce bandwidth usage overall. You can also use compression techniques like gzip compression in some cases where the image would be too large (e.g., an image with lots of pixels).
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  • Reduce redirects: Redirecting users when moving between pages is an unnecessary expense because it increases the amount of data transferred by each request—which reduces performance overall! If possible, try reducing redirects as much as possible without sacrificing usability or security concerns related specifically to tracking cookies .
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Use a CDN: A content delivery network (CDN) is a server that delivers your website’s content to users, ensuring that it loads quickly and reliably across all devices. If you want to improve the load time of your site, then it’s important for you to use a CDN with caching plugins like W3 Total Cache or CloudFlare, which can help decrease page loads by up to 50%.


Readability and Scannability of Content


The first thing you should do is readability and scannability of content. Your website will be judged based on how easy it is for people to find what they’re looking for, so make sure that your content is written in a way that makes it easy to read.


Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points if possible to break up long paragraphs of text into smaller chunks that are easier to digest. Make sure each section has its own heading so users know where they are on the page (and can quickly navigate back up from there), as well as use short sentences with simple phrases rather than multiple words strung together (“The most important part of this article”). Also, try using white space around text; this breaks up lines so it’s easier for readers’ eyes to stay focused longer on one word at a time without having eye fatigue after reading long passages without breaks between sentences! Finally: use fonts like Arial or Times New Roman which are both easy-to-read but still professional looking enough not to look amateurish at all times throughout any given post/page/site!”


Your website will be judged based on how easy it is for people to find what they’re looking for, so make sure that your content is written in a way that makes it easy to read. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points if possible to break up long paragraphs of text into smaller chunks that are easier to digest. Make sure each section has its own heading so users know where they are on the page (and can quickly navigate back up from there), as well as use short sentences with simple phrases rather than multiple words strung together (“The most important part of this article”). Also, try using white space around text; this breaks up lines so it’s easier for readers’ eyes to stay focused longer on one word at a time


Social Media Integration


Social media integration is one of the most important elements in creating a high-performing website. It’s a great way to promote your business and interact with customers, but it also can be used as an opportunity to share content on social media that you might not otherwise have time or resources for.


Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to post updates about your company or products, which can help drive traffic back over to your site when people are looking for more information about what they need or want from you. Sharing these kinds of posts will also push up their visibility within the newsfeeds of those who follow them—which means more exposure!


If you’re a company that sells products or services, then social media integration is essential. It can be used as a way to create brand awareness and drive traffic back over to your website, which will help you sell more products or services. This kind of integration also allows you to interact with your customers in real-time and build relationships around shared interests.


Video Content Leveraging


Video is a great way to engage your audience and make them feel like they’re part of the action. A video can be used to explain processes, demonstrate products, and show off your brand personality. It’s more likely to be shared on social media than text content (even if it’s just one sentence).

  • Use YouTube for video content: With over 1 billion users per month and more than 6 billion views per day on YouTube alone, there’s no better platform for hosting or promoting videos than this popular website! And since Google loves watching things via its search engine results pages (SERPs), having well-produced videos listed high up in organic search results will only help improve your site’s performance over time.
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  • Linking your website: You should always link out from within each page—and not just when writing blog posts; whenever possible add links back into other pages so people can easily access more information about what you’re offering online through their favorite search engines such as Bing/Yahoo etcetera…
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You should also consider linking out from your social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Don’t forget to link out from your email signatures too!


Website design is the starting point for all online businesses.


Website design is the starting point for all online businesses. It’s where you can build your brand, attract new customers and make money.


A well-designed website should have:

  • A clear purpose or goal—the reason why people should come to your site. For example, if you sell clothing then it might be helpful for visitors to know about the latest styles in their size range (or maybe even special offers). You could also use this information on other pages of your site if appropriate!
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  • Clear navigation links—these direct visitors straight away from where they need to go through with ease!
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  • A search box—this means that when someone types something into Google or another search engine such as Bing/Yahoo!, their query will appear right here next time round too 🙂
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Clear, concise copy—this is very important because it helps people to find what they’re looking for as quickly and effectively as possible. You can use this space to describe your business or service in detail or list some of the benefits that visitors might receive if they choose to purchase from you (e.g. ‘free delivery on orders over £20′).




For most businesses, the website is the first impression that customers have of your brand. It’s also an essential part of any marketing strategy. With these tips and tricks in mind, you can make sure that your website design is on par with other websites in your niche so that customers will keep coming back for more!


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