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5 Tips For Perfecting Your eCommerce Product Photos




Photography is a great way to show off your products, but it can also be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take that will help make your photos look professional and professional-looking.


Use The Right Equipment

  • Use a tripod.
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  • Use a remote shutter release.
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  • Use flash.
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  • Make sure you have good lighting in your shop, especially if you’re selling items that are shaded by something else (i.e., a dark background). In this case, it’s best to use natural light as much as possible and avoid artificial sources like incandescent bulbs or halogen lights unless they’re specifically designed for photography purposes; otherwise, they’ll cast harsh shadows on your product photos and make them look washed out instead of beautiful!
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If possible, set up a white backdrop behind your products so that they’ll look even more realistic than usual—and don’t forget about using other lighting techniques such as reflectors or diffusers too! You can also experiment with different angles and focal lengths too; just remember not everyone has access to expensive equipment like professional photographers do so keep things simple first until everything works out well enough without breaking any laws or regulations (or spending money unnecessarily).


Readjust The Exposure Settings On Your Camera


When it comes to exposure settings, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, your camera needs to be adjusted according to the lighting conditions. If you’re shooting in a bright room, like an apartment with lots of windows and natural light streaming in from outside through those windows—you will need to adjust your camera’s settings so that everything looks clear and crisp; otherwise, it might be too dark for customers’ eyes when viewing their product photos online.


If instead, you have made sure that there is only artificial light available (like studio lights), then this would mean that any adjustments would be limited only by how long these lights stay on before they burn out or become too hot for longer exposures (which could lead them burning out prematurely).


If you want to make sure that your product looks clear and crisp in an image, then try adjusting the aperture settings on your camera. This will allow more light into the lens, thus making it easier to capture a sharper picture of the object being photographed. If this doesn’t work, then there is another option: you can try increasing the ISO setting of your camera as well.


Get Yourself A Tripod


A tripod is a tool that’s essential to getting the right exposure, composition, and focus. Tripods are great for getting the perfect angle and focus on your product photos.


Tripods can also be used to create white backgrounds in some cases, which will help you achieve better lighting effects in your pictures.


Tripods are a great way to take high-quality product photos, especially if you don’t have much experience with photography. If you don’t have a tripod, you can use anything around your house that will support the weight of your camera. Some people even use books for this purpose!


If you’re using a tripod, be sure to secure your camera. This can be done by using the “tripod screw” on your camera or by using a strap around it. If you use a book or some other object to hold your camera, make sure that it has enough weight to support it and doesn’t move around too much when you take photos.


Use A White Background


A white background is a good choice for most products. It’s easier to see features and details on the camera screen, which makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. If you can’t use a white background or don’t want to spend too much money on one, consider using a black or dark-colored backdrop instead (but avoid using anything too busy). You’ll also want to make sure that your product photos have good lighting so that they look their best online! There are many different ways of getting great lighting in your store: soft boxes, ring lights, and diffusers; natural light from windows; studio lights like umbrellas or reflectors; even just using natural light from overhead lamps will work just fine!


Whatever you decide to use, it’s important that the lighting is even across your product photo. You don’t want one side of a necklace or watch too dark and another side too bright!


Maintain Uniformity In The Sizing

  • Keep the size of the product consistent throughout the shoot. If you are shooting a small item, make sure that it is not lost in one of your photos by getting too close to it or too far away from it. You should also try to keep this consistent with other products in your collection so that they all look proportional to one another.
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  • Make sure that all parts of your subject are visible and intact so that customers can see how well-made they are!
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  • If there’s anything wrong with our product (like damage), please let us know before taking pictures so we can fix it before uploading them online!
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It is important to make sure that the product looks good in all of your pictures. If you are selling a shirt, make sure that it has been ironed and that the creases have been removed from it so that it looks crisp and clean!


You need to make sure your photos are in top shape.


You need to make sure your photos are in top shape.


If you have the budget, hiring a professional photographer is always the best option. They can help you create beautiful product images that will give your customers something to look at and buy from. If you don’t have the money for an expensive photographer or don’t want to hire one just yet, there are still ways that you can use your smartphone or camera to take high-quality product photos that look great on their own!


The most important thing about any photo is making sure it’s well-lit and clear so people can see exactly what’s being sold (and not just blur). It’s also important that there isn’t too much light behind it—this will make everything look washed out and unattractive when viewed up close. You may need some adjustments in exposure settings if this happens; readjusting them again might be necessary depending on how long ago they were taken!


In order to take great product photos, it’s important to start by setting up your product in a way that makes sense. It should look as close to how it would appear in real life as possible. For example, if you’re taking photos of shoes, make sure they are on a surface that looks like the floor (and not just a blank wall).




We hope you’ve learned a thing or two about how to take better pictures for your eCommerce store. Remember that these tips are just the beginning–there is so much more that goes into good product photography! You can learn more about our services here:


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