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How to design Cross-Cultural Websites




Cross-cultural websites are a great way to expand your audience and make them more receptive to your products and services. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can design cross-cultural websites so that they resonate with people in different cultures.


What is localization?


Localization is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific language and culture. This can include translating visuals, including colors, text, and fonts. The goal of localization is to create an online experience that feels familiar to users around the world. You’ll want to keep things simple when it comes to formatting because different languages have different spacing rules (for example: in English, there are no spaces between sentences).


Cultural Nuance and Client Segments


You may be wondering how you can design a cross-cultural website that works for your client. The first thing to do is understand the culture of your audience and the culture of your business.


Once you understand these things, it’s time to get down to business! You need to design a website that reflects who they are as individuals and as businesses in their local community.


In order for this process to work, we have some rules:

  • Understand Your Audience – What do they like? How do they interact with each other? What are their values? What would make them happy on this site?
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  • Understand Your Business – Who are we working with today (the client), tomorrow (the employee), next week (the customer)…and beyond? It doesn’t matter if someone has existed for decades or just started working here today—we need an understanding of each person’s role so we can create something meaningful for them all at once!
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Cultural Colour Psychology

  • Color psychology is the study of how color affects human behavior.
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  • Color influences mood and emotions, which can help you determine if your website’s colors are appropriate for your target audience. The color of your website should be appropriate for its intended purpose; if it’s too bright or harsh, then it may cause people to feel uncomfortable or uneasy when using it on their computer screens. On the other hand, if a site has too much contrast between text and background (like black text against an orange background), this could lead to eye strain after reading long blocks of content for hours at a time.
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Language & Linguistics


A language is a tool for communication, and it’s important to keep this in mind when designing cross-cultural websites. Your website needs to be able to communicate effectively with people of different cultures, countries, and languages. This can be done through the use of language on your site. For example, if you’re designing a website for an American company based in China with Chinese staff members who speak English as their native language but do not write or speak any other languages (e.g., Japanese), then using only English would probably be too limiting—you’ll need some kind of translation toolkit available so that users can read content written by others if they want those details explained further down the road after reading something else first!


Visual Elements

  • Use the right colors
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  • Use the right images
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  • Use the right logos
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  • Use the right fonts
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Different Fonts


When it comes to fonts, it’s important to stay away from ones that may be culturally inappropriate. For example, if you are designing for an Asian market and are looking for a font with an “H” in it, consider using Arial Narrow instead of Helvetica Neue LT Condensed or any other similar options because these fonts have been found on websites that have been deemed as offensive or insensitive by Asian audiences (for example). You also want your designs to be gender neutral so that everyone can enjoy them regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.


Localizing your text elements


When you’re designing a website, one of the first things that you should do is localize your text elements. This means using the right language and font for each culture. For example, in English we use ‘you’ instead of ‘Usted’. In Spanish they use Usted instead of ‘you’. The same goes for colours as well: while Americans prefer blue and white as their primary colours (as shown above), some other cultures might prefer more muted tones like browns or reds; this has been shown by studies where people were asked to choose between two designs with similar features but different color schemes.


If possible try to make sure all typesetting is consistent throughout your site so visitors can easily navigate through it without getting confused about which part corresponds with their own language or culture!


Adapt your website to the culture you are targetting


Adapt your website to the culture you are targetting. Localization is the process of adapting a product to a specific locale. It’s not just about making sure that all the text is in English, but also ensuring that it fits with local culture and customs.


For example, if you’re targeting users from China or Japan and want them to feel at home on your site, then make sure there are no pictures of mountains or lakes (which are symbols of hope) on your homepage because these could convey negative connotations about China and Japan respectively.




In conclusion, we can say that it is important to know your target audience and the culture in which they live. That’s why it is crucial to consider all sorts of factors when designing a website or app for cross-cultural purposes.


In this article we have covered the key elements that need to be taken into consideration when designing websites including language, visual design and typesetting. We hope these strategies will help you create a more effective user experience while marketing your product abroad!


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