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5 Upcoming Web Design Trends for 2023




Keeping up with changes in web design is hard. It’s a constant evolution, and it’s easy to get lost in the details as you try and stay on top of it all. But these five trends are all here to stay, and we’re seeing them breaking into mainstream websites across the world. Let’s dive in!


Hoverable Icons


● Hoverable icons are a great way to give users an idea of what an element does. When you hover over a button, it will show you the tooltip text and action options.


● Pop-up windows can be used as a way to provide quick access to additional information or functionality within your site. These popups can be used in place of dropdowns or tooltips, but they’re more visual than text-based interactions.


● New window and tab openers help create a seamless experience for users who want more information without having to leave your website (or app). They can also be used as part of navigation menus on mobile devices so users don’t have too much navigation happening at once!


Button hover effects are a great way to help users understand what an element does. When you hover over something, it will show you the tooltip text and action options. Popups can be used as a way to provide quick access to additional information or functionality within your site. These popups can be used in place of dropdowns or tooltips, but they’re more visual than text-based interactions.


USING More social proof


Social proof is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when people are influenced by the actions of others. The more times you see something on someone’s website or in their social media posts, the more likely they are to purchase from them.


Social proof is used in marketing to increase sales and conversions by showing users that other people have made the same decision as yours before you did. Social media posts can be used as an example of social proof because they show how many times a company has been viewed by others or how many likes or comments it received from users on its page. Social media pages also display analytics graphs showing how many people clicked through from Facebook ads to buy items at Amazon, for example!


The more subtle way of using social proof is to show the number of people who have purchased your product. This can be done with a testimonial or by showing the numbers on your website or in an ad for example. Social proof is a great way to increase sales and conversions, but it’s important not to overdo it. If you use too much social proof, then users will start ignoring it altogether!


Mobile-specific features


Adaptive design is a term that refers to how websites are designed for mobile devices. Responsive web design (RWD) is the process of developing a website that adapts its layout and appearance based on the screen size of your device’s display. Mobile-specific features include things like “responsive images”, which allow you to scale down images without losing quality; adaptive layouts, which adjust their widths based on what content you’re viewing; and media queries, which enable you to target specific CSS rules for specific viewport sizes.


Responsive design is a term that refers to how websites are designed for mobile devices. Mobile-specific features include things like “responsive images”, which allow you to scale down images without losing quality; adaptive layouts, which adjust their widths based on what content you’re viewing; and media queries, which enable you to target specific CSS rules for specific viewport sizes.


Shape texturization


Shape texturization is a technique where the text is stretched and squished to create an exaggerated effect. This can be done by applying a gradient, or by applying different weights of color. The result is a textured look that gives your website an interesting feel and makes it more visually appealing.


It’s also useful for creating effects like shadows, which helps make your pages stand out from one another in a sea of similar designs. You may have seen some examples already—like this one:


The benefits are clear: shape texturization gives you greater control over how your website looks overall, which means less time spent tweaking elements after they’ve been created (not only does this save time but also money). And finally, because shape texturizing isn’t as difficult as other techniques like CSS animations or parallax scrolling (both of which require coding), there aren’t any risks involved when using them! For example:


Supplemental video


Video is an emerging web design trend that can be used to supplement the text, other videos, and audio. Video is also useful for creating supplemental content on your website. It’s important to note that some people may find it difficult or even impossible to read a website with only text alone, so it’s important not to forget about adding this new media element into the mix!


● Video can be used as supplemental content


● Video can be used as part of your landing page


● Video can be used as part of customer support


In addition to these uses for supplemental videos (which we’ll get into later), there are many other ways you might want to use them on your site:


-To help explain a product or service -To show how to use a product or service -To educate your customers (e.g. in the form of an FAQ page)




To sum up, the web is still the number one place to go for news, information, and entertainment. That said, things are changing rapidly in this industry and we can’t wait to see what’s next!


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